Unit 8 Hobbies & Interests Exercise: Class 10 English Guide

Welcome to our analysis of Unit 8 from the Class 10 English textbook. This unit focuses on developing personal interests through hobbies and extracurricular activities.

The unit has two sections - 'Reading I - Common Habits' and 'Reading II - Climbing'. The first section looks at popular pastimes like reading, music, sports and their significance. It highlights developing healthy routines for relaxation and well-being.

Some key questions that students will likely be asked from this would be: List five common hobbies enjoyed by people. and How do hobbies help reduce stress?

The second section 'Climbing' profiles rock climbing as an adventure sport. It details the essential gear, safety practices and skills required. Exercises include fillers, sequencing information and writing short descriptions.

Our material provides comprehension exercises, grammar activities and paragraph writing topics related to various hobbies relating to this unit. You can also find exercise solutions on emerging trends in hobbies, competitive games and more.

In summary, Unit 8 teaches us to pursue enriching interests and develop teamwork through hobbies. After this quick summary, now lets see this unit's question answer, exercise solution, grammar and reading I and II. 

For complete notes of Class 10 English Book, go to this link - Class 10 English Guide & Notes.

Class 10 English Unit 8 Hobbies & Interests Exercise

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Unit-8 Hobbies & Interest 

Reading - I : Common Hobbies

D. Answer these questions.

a. What aspects of our life influence the hobbies we choose?

Answer: The hobbies we choose can be influenced by our interests, preferences, available resources, the activities our friends and family enjoy, and the desire for personal growth and enjoyment.

b. What makes reading the most popular hobby?

Answer: Reading is the most popular hobby because it offers both entertainment and self-improvement. There is a wide variety of books in different genres, making it accessible to many people. Additionally, reading doesn't require special equipment, and it can be enjoyed alone or in a book club, fostering social connections.

c. How can people practise dancing?

Answer: People can practice dancing by simply putting on music and moving to the beat. They can do it at home in their living room or join a dance studio for more formal lessons. Online dancing courses are also available for learning and improving dance skills.

d. What things are necessary for one to go with painting?

Answer: Paints, brushes and a surface (canvas/paper) are the basic requirements for painting.

e. Write the benefits of doing photography.

Answer: Photography allows capturing memories and beautiful moments.Photos can be used for decorations.

f. Why has writing become a popular hobby?

Answer: Writing offers freedom of expression and stress relief. It allows connecting with others through blogs and journals.

g. How can knitting be rewarding to a person?

Answer: Knitting allows creating useful items. Finishing projects gives a sense of accomplishment. It improves hand coordination and can be done anywhere.

E. Do you think a person's hobby really helps him/her in a professional career? Discuss.

A person's hobby can positively impact their professional career in various ways. Hobbies often develop transferable skills like communication and creativity. Hobby can help us in our professional career by helping us identify interests, build skills, gain experience, relieve stress and form networks, I believe hobbies can indeed prove remarkably helpful for a person's professional career, often in unexpected ways. Our hobbies truly reflect our passions, and passions are often the key to success in any field.

Writing I

People have different hobbies and interests which may lead them to the careers they adopt. Write an essay on your hobbies explaining how they might influence your career.

Title: My Hobby

From a young age, I have always had a strong interest in art, writing stories, and solving puzzles. These hobbies have brought me joy and a sense of fulfillment over the years, and I believe they point towards possible career directions for me in the future.

Art has been my main hobby since childhood. I enjoy drawing, painting and making crafts using different media. I appreciate art for its ability to evoke emotions, convey ideas and capture beautiful moments. My parents have always supported my artistic talents and hung my paintings up in the house. As I get older, I find myself spending more time exploring different art forms and techniques. I believe my passion and natural proclivity for art may lead me towards a career in some form of design or visual creativity. I could see myself pursuing graphic design, web design, illustration or even fine art as a profession in the future.

Writing stories and poems has also been a constant outlet for my creativity and imagination. I come up with plots, characters and worlds entirely in my head and put them down on paper. The writing process itself is therapy for me - a way to exercise my mind and express my thoughts. My desire to continuously improve my writing skills and tell meaningful stories may point towards possible career paths involving writing, communication or content creation. I would enjoy a career that allows me to regularly flex my creative writing muscles.

Finally, my enjoyment of puzzles and problems that require logical thought could lead me to pursue a more intellectually challenging career. I find joy in solving mysteries, deciphering codes and engaging in analytical reasoning. This aptitude may be suited to a profession involving research, analysis, problem-solving or critical thinking.

In summary, my key hobbies of art, writing and puzzles indicate that I have creative, communicative and logical skills that could translate into a variety of careers requiring those abilities. As I get older and my interests evolve, I believe paying close attention to my hobbies will continue to provide valuable insight into potential professions that are well-aligned with my passions and strengths.

Unit 8 : Reading - II 

Climbing Poem 


The poem "Climbing" by Amy Lowell is a short piece about determination and persistence in the face of obstacles. It tells the story of a speaker who is trying to climb an apple tree in order to see the town beyond, but is having difficulty reaching the top. However, the speaker remains determined to climb the tree and reach their goal.

The full poem is only 8 lines long. It depicts the speaker's repeated attempts to climb the tree, and their refusal to give up despite not yet succeeding:

I have climbed the apple tree

And trod the limb,

Again and again

Only to fall back to the green grass below.

Yet I still climb the apple tree,

For today I shall surely get

To the shining town

That dwells on a branch above.

The repetition of "I have climbed the apple tree" and "Yet I still climb the apple tree" shows the speaker's persistence and refusal to give up, even after multiple failures. The determination to reach "the shining town" on the branch represents the speaker's goal and ambition, which spurs them to keep trying.

In the end, the short yet powerful poem demonstrates that determination, persistence and refusal to accept failure can help one achieve their objectives, even if it requires multiple attempts. The simple act of climbing an apple tree becomes a metaphor for the challenges we face and overcome in life through grit and resolve.

So in summary, Amy Lowell's "Climbing" uses the image of climbing an apple tree to convey an important message about the value of persistence and determination in the face of obstacles, both literal and metaphorical.

C. Answer these questions.

a. Why does the speaker want to climb on the tree?

Answer: The speaker wants to climb the tree to reach the town they see shining up there.

b. What things are shining brightly when viewed from above?

Answer: The spire, turret, and dome are shining brightly when viewed from above.

c. Is it the first time that the speaker has climbed up the tree? How do you know?

Answer: No, it is not the first time. The speaker mentions, "Before, I have always had to stop, But today I am sure I shall reach the top."

d. Make a list of words from the poem which describe the light or brightness.

Answer: gleam, glint, sparkling, bright.

e. What do the sky and the earth symbolize in the poem?

Answer: The sky symbolizes the space above, and the earth symbolizes the ground below. They represent the climb towards a higher goal or aspiration.

D. "The more determined you are, the better opportunity you will achieve in life and obtain what you want in life." Do you agree with this statement? Discuss.

To achieve what we want, it's important to be determined, as shown in Amy Lowell's poem "Climbing." The speaker in the poem faces obstacles while trying to climb an apple tree to see a town above. But they keep trying because they are determined to succeed. Even if we face difficulties, we can overcome them if we stay persistent and focused on our goals. The speaker is confident that they will eventually succeed, and this attitude of determination is important for success in life. With determination, we can stay focused and keep moving forward, increasing our chances of achieving our goals. It can help us reach new heights and explore new possibilities.

Writing II

A. Imagine you are the headteacher of a school and your school has a vacancy for the post of Secondary Level English teacher. Write an advertisement for the post mentioning the required academic qualification, experience, deadline and other necessary information.

Vacancy Announcement

The SR Zone School, one of the leading schools in the city, is looking for a dedicated and experienced English teacher for our growing Secondary Section.


• A undergraduate/graduate degree in English Literature or Language from a recognized university

• Minimum 2 years of teaching experience at the secondary level

• Strong knowledge of English language skills including grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening and writing

• Proficiency in teaching innovative methods and use of technology to enhance students' learning

• Ability to develop lesson plans, assessments and track students' progress

• Passion for teaching and a student-centered learning approach

Preferred Qualifications:

• Knowledge of NEB curriculum an advantage

• Experience teaching English Medium Students Before

• Experience using online learning platforms

The successful candidate will be responsible for teaching English to Grades 6 through 10. He/She will work closely with students, parents and other Secondary teachers to ensure the highest quality of English language education.

Salary and benefits will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Send your CV and cover letter detailing your suitability for the role and expected salary to principal@srzoneschool.edu before 15th July. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

The SR Zone School

Bharatpur, Chitwan

B. Paraphrase the following text.

Paraphrased Texts: 

a. Women traditionally have been perceived as mothers and homemakers but only in current years have they been accomplishing noteworthy strides into the job market. There remains a long way to go before they attain absolute equivalence with men although the scenario has definitely enhanced.

b.An American academician, Elton Mayo, researched in the 1920s about the effects of the physical surroundings on the productivity of workers.The outcome, known as the Hawthorne Studies, named after the electrics company where it came about, indicated that employees could be encouraged to function more difficult by carrying out small amendments to the working environment, for example modifying the lighting or the layout of a room.