Unit 7 Cyber Security Exercise: Class 10 English Guide

Welcome to our analysis of Unit 7 from the Class 10 English textbook. This timely unit focuses on the important topic of 'Cyber Security' and keeping ourselves safe online. Let's explore the key lessons.

The unit contains two sections - 'Reading I: Parents' and 'Reading II : Cyber Security' and 'Parents'. The first section makes us aware of common online threats like phishing, identity theft and malware/virus attacks. It educates us on basic safety measures like using strong passwords, updating software and avoiding suspicious links/attachments.

The second section 'Parents' highlights how guardians must also be digitally aware to guide their children responsibly. They should engage in open communication, understand favorite websites/apps and set privacy controls together.

Textbook exercise includes fill in the blanks, true/false, comprehensive questions and situation-based case studies. You can also find exercise questions relating in the areas of online safety, cyberbullying, parental controls etc.

In summary, Unit 7 provides key learnings for students as well as parents to navigate the online world securely and prevent cybercrimes. After this quick summary, lets talk about this unit's question answer, exercise solution, grammar and reading I and II. 

For complete notes of Class 10 English Book, go to this link - Class 10 English Guide & Notes.

Class 10 English Unit 7 Cyber Security Exercise

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Class 10 English Guide Notes The SR Zone

Unit 7 : Cyber Security 

Reading - I : Parents

C. Read the story again and answer these questions.

a. Why do you think Anuja was unwilling to take her father along with her to meet her new friend?

Answer: Anuja was unwilling to take her father along because she felt embarrassed and thought he was being overprotective. She wanted to meet her friend on her own without her father's interference.

b. How does she criticize her father?

Answer: Anuja criticizes her father by calling him obsessed and overprotective. She thinks he sees danger everywhere and doesn't trust her judgment.

c. Describe Anuja's e-friend.

Answer: Anuja's e-friend is a girl whom she met online and chatted with pretending to be a boy.

d. What did Anuja's father propose to go with her?

Answer: Anuja's father proposed to go with her to ensure her safety and to make sure the person she was meeting was genuinely a 12-year-old girl and not someone with bad intentions.

e. What was the shocking news for her father? Why did they return without meeting Anuja's friend?

Answer: The shocking news for her father was when Anuja revealed that she chatted with her friend pretending to be a boy. They returned without meeting Anuja's friend because the friend's mother saw Anuja's father lurking around and decided not to let her daughter get out of the car, misunderstanding the situation.

g. Why do you think Dhurva laughed at the story of Anuja's father?

Answer: Dhurva laughed at the story because he found the situation amusing and probably thought it was a comical misunderstanding.

h. How did the girl's mother see Anuja's father? Why didn't they talk to each other?

Answer: The girl's mother saw Anuja's father as an "old man with a big stomach and a bald head" lurking around the meeting place. They didn't talk to each other because the mother likely misunderstood the situation and thought the father was a stranger with ill intentions.

D. What can be the consequences of faking your identities and bullying other people on social media and the internet?

Potential consequences of faking identities and cyberbullying others online:

• Legal consequences - Fines, jail time or other legal penalties if what you're doing is against the law.

• Reputational damage - Seriously damaging your reputation with friends, family, coworkers and future employers. Difficulty rebuilding trust.

• Loss of online accounts - Social media accounts can be suspended or deleted for violating terms of service.

• Retaliation from victims - Victims may seek revenge through counter bullying, spreading rumors, doxing or other means.

• Less safe online communities - Makes the internet and social media a less safe space, especially for vulnerable groups like children.

• Negative mental health effects - Can cause feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety and depression over time.

• Psychological harm to victims - Can cause psychological distress, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts in victims.

Instead, it's best to interact with others online in an honest, kind and respectful manner to avoid these potentially serious consequences.

Writing I

B. Imagine that you are Niti, and that you were unable to attend the function. Write a reply email to Sambridhi apologising for your inability to attend her brother's wedding due to an urgent family business.

From: niti21@gmail.com

T0: sambirdhi12@gmail.com

Subject: Apology for being unable to attend the wedding

Dear Sambridhi,

Thank you for inviting us to your brother Naman's wedding reception. Unfortunately, we won't be able to come to the celebration because we have some very urgent family business that we cannot postpone.

We are really sad that we can't be there to share this special day with you and your family. Please pass on our best wishes and heartfelt congratulations to your brother Naman. We hope the wedding day will be filled with happiness, love, and beautiful memories that you will cherish forever.

Thank you again for inviting us, and we apologize for not being able to attend.

Warm regards,

Rabin Budha

Unit 7 : Reading - II 

Cyber Security : Basic Internet Safety 

D. Answer these questions.

a. How do we try to protect our physical property?

Answer: We protect our physical property by locking doors, using bike locks, and keeping valuable possessions in a safe.

b. What should we do to keep our passwords secret?

Answer: To keep our passwords secret, we should create strong and complicated passwords with a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. We should also avoid sharing passwords with others and not write them down.

c. Mention any two safety measures for shopping with debit cards.

Answer: Two safety measures for shopping with debit cards are using chip debit cards instead of magnetic strip cards and only entering financial information on secure websites.

d. How can we secure our accounts even when someone finds our password?

Answer: We can secure our accounts by enabling two-factor authentication. This adds an extra layer of security, even if someone knows our password, they would still need an additional verification method to access our accounts.

e. Why do you think we should make online friends only to familiar people?

Answer: Making online friends only to familiar people ensures our safety and reduces the risk of interacting with strangers who may not have good intentions. It helps us avoid potential dangers and scams.

f. What can we do to keep our online data safe?

Answer: To keep our online data safe, we should regularly update our devices with the latest software upgrades, use strong and unique passwords, avoid using public Wi-Fi, and be cautious about sharing personal information online. Backing up important data periodically is also essential.

E. Have you ever lost your personal data and information while using the internet? Share your experiences in the class.

Hey everyone, I want to share a scary experience I had on December 16, 2021. I was using my computer when suddenly, I saw some weird scripts running on command prompt in my computer screen . I checked and found out that my computer got infected with malware or ransomware.

Soon after, I realized my Google Account was hacked, and I couldn't access my YouTube Channel - "The SR Zone" which had 41k subscribers that time, website, Facebook, or Instagram accounts. It was devastating to lose control over my online presence.

I tried resetting my password, but it didn't work. The hacker seemed to have changed all my login details. I even noticed that the hacker changed the name and icon of my YouTube channel.

To add to my worries, my YouTube channel got terminated by the hacker. It was devastating to see all my hard work gone in seconds.

After one sleepless night, I contacted youtube technical support team, with the help of whom I managed to regain control of my Gmail account, but my YouTube channel remained hacked. It was frustrating to deal with this situation. Then, unexpectedly, I got hacked again the next day, because malware was not completely removed from my system. I realized all my files were locked by ransomware this time, and it was terrifying to know that someone had control over my personal data.

I learned that viruses can steal your data, and it's crucial to keep our devices protected with strong passwords and security software.

I want to remind everyone to be cautious online and take measures to protect your accounts and data. It's essential to use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication to prevent such incidents from happening.

Thankfully, I could recover my accounts, but it was a stressful experience. Let's all stay safe online and help each other in maintaining our cybersecurity.

Writing II

Write a newspaper article on "Internet and Cyber Security". Use the following guidelines in your article.

Internet and Cyber Security

By Shiva

March 7, Kathmandu, Kantipur Post

In the modern era, the internet and technology have become an integral part of our daily lives. With the Internet and cyber security threats are increasing.

The Internet has changed the way we live and work by linking billions of people worldwide and allowing previously unimaginable advancements. However, with the many advantages of Internet access and the proliferation of networked devices come new hazards and threats to cyber security. Cyber thieves and nation-state hackers, according to experts, have gotten more adept and aggressive in recent years.

Phishing schemes, virus attacks, identity theft, and data breaches are among the most frequent risks. Phishing efforts use convincing-looking emails to deceive unsuspecting users into exposing personal information or downloading dangerous software. Malware, which includes viruses, worms, and ransomware, may silently attack computers, encrypt important information, and move across networks. Identity theft has increased dramatically as hackers steal bank account and Social Security information in order to conduct fraud. Furthermore, significant data breaches at firms and government organizations have exposed the sensitive details of millions of people.

Because of their less advanced security systems and procedures, small firms are more susceptible to cyber assaults. However, even huge organizations such as hospitals, government institutions, and Fortune 500 firms have experienced disruptive cyberattacks that may cost millions of dollars to repair. Critical infrastructure, such as electricity grids and water treatment facilities, is also becoming more vulnerable as more systems link to the Internet.

Experts recommend utilizing multi-factor authentication, routinely upgrading software, teaching personnel on security practices, backing up data, deploying malware protection, and establishing firewalls to guard against cyber attacks. However, there is no infallible solution, and both the commercial and governmental sectors must do more to harden security systems, exchange threat intelligence, and hold bad actors responsible in order to discourage future assaults. Internet users must be attentive and informed on how to reduce hazards online until solid security measures are widely deployed.

The benefits of Internet access cannot be emphasized. However, guaranteeing cyber security and personal data protection must become a greater priority for governments, businesses, and individual users if we are to realize the full advantages of our networked world without losing critical trust, privacy, and creativity.