Class 11 English Unit- 14 Napoleon Bonaparte Exercise, Grammar Notes
This article is about Class 11 English Unit 14 Exercise Notes. The unit name is 'Power and Politics' and topic of the text is "Napoleon Bonaparte Notes".
For complete notes of Class 11 English Book, go to this link - Class 11 English Guide & Notes.
Unit- 14 Napoleon Bonaparte Exercise
Go to Class 11 English Unit 15 Exercise
After the French Revolution, a Corsican soldier and commander named Napoleon Bonaparte established himself as France's ruler. He went on to become Emperor of France.
After a decade of magnificent military triumphs throughout Europe, he wiped away the Holy Roman Empire, the Vatican's temporal authority and unified Germany and Italy. He also pushed for reforms everywhere the Grande Armee marched and wiped out the Holy Roman Empire.
He was caught and deported in his latter years as France's military successes dwindled. As a British prisoner on a South Atlantic island, he died a few years later. There are no signs of his legal or administrative changes being abandoned.
The metric system, the Napoleonic Code of legislation, and the 'corps' system of military organization are only some of the legacies of Napoleon's time in power.